Saturday, April 25, 2009

Meet the Flock

Chicks are patently unrelated to luxury linens.

But they are so damned cute they trump almost any other subject!

My son Henry and I celebrated Earth Day on Wednesday by catching an afternoon showing of Disney's new Earth.

Still feeling celebratory on the way home we made the mistake (or good fortune.... this is still to be determined!) of stopping by Urban Farm Store just to see what city chicks look like. Proprietor Robert was friendly, patient and encouraging and two hours later, Henry and I were zipping home with four chicks, a heat lamp, 25 pounds of chick feed and miscellaneous livestock paraphernalia.

The first night went well and our pet chinchilla Lucky is thrilled to be getting more attention by being in the vicinity of our chirping chicks.

If you look carefully at this picture, however, you'll see not four chicks, but rather five. And that's only because I cropped one of the six (!) out of the picture.

Yes, we went back two days later and got two more because, well, they are so damed cute!

Our next project is getting a coop and henhouse, which will need to be super secure as we have very aggressive raccoons in our midst.

Oh, do we live on a farm, you ask? No. Seven minutes from downtown Portland!

And what will we do with three dozen eggs a week? I'm open to your suggestions.

A full video presentation of our new pets can be seen here.

1 comment:

Ernest Winters said...

Only problem I see is what do you do with them when they grow up?